Very Important Poets to the Front
TL;DR: Register now to claim your VIP MEMBERSHIP.
Hey poet, are you ready to read, write, and workshop more in 2024?
We created a VIP Membership for Very Important Poets just like you!
Come write with us!
If a trust fund is a good place to park your cash if you’re a millionaire, then a “braintrust” is where your creative thoughts and ideas kick it before they hatch/twerk/smash/flow/become themselves on the page. Everybody with a brain has a braintrust, but creative artists are the most concerned with using it.
That’s why we developed the BrainTrust series. The BrainTrust took our live, in-person workshop model and made it accessible to poets everywhere by going virtual. Once a month, we host a live workshop on different topics.
When you come to the BrainTrust workshop…
you’ll enter an inclusive online gathering for writers of all levels and backgrounds. Here we offer a generative format where you can develop and explore your creative ideas with a kind instructor/guide. Because our community is full of so many unique voices, perspectives, and interests, we have a different guide each month. Through writing exercises and discussions, you will hone your craft, share insights, and write some new sh*t!
The best part of all…
When you enter the BrainTrust Workshop you leave knowing one very important thing:
Yeah, writing is usually a solo gig, but being a part of a community of writers will uplift and sustain you as you make that art, poet.
✨To recap…
Come for the learning and the inspiration, stay for the immaculate vibes of our thriving community.
▶how do we do it?
When does it happen?
BrainTrusts are the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except December), 5:30pm PT - 7:30pm PT via Zoom.
Your membership includes monthly access to these workshops. No need to sign up each month, we’ll just send the Zoom link straight to your inbox!
▶the deets
Ready to sign up? Here’s your Magic Button ✨:
What else?
There’s more in store for 2024!
In addition to the BrainTrust Workshop, all members receive 10% off our 4-week courses and 15% off the Feedback Circle. Why? Because we know that consistency is key. We want all of our events to be price- and calendar-accessible to you. Removing as many barriers to your art-making as possible (because, seriously, the world is harsh enough). All of our events take place outside of regular “day job” hours, so you can still fit in time for your creative practice every week.
We want to see you.
We want you to show up.
We want you to write some new sh*t.
In addition, throughout the year we’ll be introducing new accountability events, resources, workshops, and open mic opportunities SPECIFICALLY for our member community.
🦄 Onnnne more thing…
We’re starting a private Facebook Group exclusively for our community members. This will be a moderated, curated space—one where you can ask questions, meet and keep in touch with other writers in our community, and contact our leadership team at any time!
All members will be invited into the group as soon as we have it up and running this winter.
Stay tuned for more details.
▶coming soon!

In the great words of Beck Chapman, “The Poetry Lab is where I make all my PFFs.”
Poetry Friends Forever
Yes, even through Zoom. Our community is a strong, kind, supportive one.
The Birth of the VIP Membership
In our fellowship interviews this year we heard a few things over and over:
I want more community.
I want more accountability.
I need more time to write.
And we kept thinking:
YES! This is what we are working to provide our community members.
What makes you a VIP?
The best part about The Poetry Lab has always been our commitment to accessibility. You do not have to be an elite poetry expert to belong here.
This is your opportunity to collaborate, share, learn, and write with you simply because you are motivated and dedicated to keeping your creative dreams alive.
That is what makes you a real VIP.
▶final thoughts
Even though it’s cute…
(of course it is, we made it up!) being a Very Important Poet is a real thing. We want your presence, your ideas, your feedback, and your collaboration.
So join us in 2024 and take that step…
be the poet you want to see in the world 💕.
(Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk. Here’s the sign-up link 👇🏽)
You are a Very Important Poet
Members get unlimited access to our monthly BrainTrust classes and to members-only accountability groups and events.
10% off all 4-week courses
15% off the Feedback Circle