Ready to revitalize your writing life?
In Manuscript Magic, we’ll meet one-on-one for an hour to edit and revise 2-3 poems. You’ll submit your manuscript 3 days in advance of our meeting time. After you sign up, you’ll be sent a link to Calendly to select your session day and time.
This editorial session is perfect for poets who are ready to write and edit consistently. They are gearing up to submit their work for publication, or have hit a road block in their path to publication, and would benefit from detailed feedback from a professional editor.

Feeling seen is a powerful thing.
In these one-on-one sessions, Danielle offers:
More than 50% of the time, what a writer needs to continue working on a poem is encouragement. They need to know there is value in the project, that they are on the right track.
Craft-focused attention to your poems. This includes looking closely at elements such as: line breaks, syntax, shape, blank space, caesura, and sound.
One-on-one sessions are also a chance to ask questions about your writing life. Which journals should you submit to? Is it time to self-publish your book? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Let’s talk about it!
Expect homework! Expect recommendations on poetry collections that might resonate. Expect to revise poems and bring them back to session to discuss. A minimum of 3 sessions is recommended! You can schedule them 1 hour at a time and go at your own pace!

She loves to help writers who are returning to their vibrant inner lives.
Many of Danielle’s community members have taken long breaks from their creativity to establish a career, raise children, or caretake for their loved ones. Some of them were never nurtured or respected as artists and had to abandon or downplay that side of themselves in order to survive. Danielle helps writers rekindle their creativity. She also assists professional writers as they continue their learning journeys outside of secondary education.
As Founding Director of The Poetry Lab, Danielle has facilitated over 180 workshops, including feedback sessions, 4 and 5 week courses, and generative writing classes on a variety of topics. She has taught at Hugo House, the Boca de Oro festival, various high schools, and at The Poetry Lab. She highlights the importance of reading, working from a diverse living library of poets. She also enjoys focusing on new and invented forms, prose poetry, pop culture and technology.
Danielle believes everyone has written poetry at one time in their lives and loves to see people through seasons of creative expansion. In one-on-one sessions she works to help writers revitalize their manuscripts, renew their love of language, and approach their craft with radical self-compassion.

"Danielle is a wonderful and caring teacher and she shared her knowledge in an such a compelling way. Thank you!"
"Danielle is both fun and focused. She keeps the session moving and is always inviting and encouraging. I come away with not just my own new poems, but with the names of new poets to follow and a renewed sense of wonder at the way language is so wild."
"Danielle is so incredibly passionate and joyful, and it shines through in everything she does!"
“Danielle is an amazing, talented writer that not only was supportive, but brought so much insight and knowledge to poetry. This pandemic has been hard but taking time to be a part of this workshop gave me a chance and space to find a little bit of myself again. The Poetry Lab lit my fire to write poetry again and I am so happy for that. Thank you so much for giving me poetry and love."

More about Danielle
Danielle is an intersectional feminist, poet, and teaching artist.
Her poems have been widely published appearing in journals such as Hayden’s Ferry Review, Vinyl, Four Way Review, Drunk Monkeys, Baltimore Review, Transom, Nailed Magazine, The Leveler and others.
She has performed on stages all over Southern California including the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Beyond Baroque, and the House of Blues. Danielle holds bachelor’s degrees in Women's and Gender Studies and Creative Writing from the University of Redlands and is an alumna of the Community of Writers.
Her work is fiercely feminist concerned with disrupting misogyny and dethroning the male gaze. She performs machine collaborations and writes about break-ups, mental health, family, and the Internet. Her newest work-in-progress explores pop culture’s effect on the body.

Schedule more sessions and save!
One session (1 Hour, 2 poems) = $65
Four sessions over 1 month (4 Hours, 8 poems) = $245 *saves $15
Eight sessions over 2 months (8 Hours, 16 poems) = $460 *saves $60
Twelve sessions over 3 months (12 hours, 24 poems/a chapbook) = $680 *saves $100
Get Started Today!
After signing up, you’ll be sent a Calendly link to reserve your meeting days and times
You’ll also receive instructions for submitting your poetry manuscripts
Zoom links will be provided
Have questions? Reach out to me anytime at danielle[at]thepoetrylab.com