Transform your revision process in 6 weeks inside the Feedback Circle.

New cohort opens January 2, 2025!


Do you often find yourself uncertain about what your poems truly need to shine?

You’ve written the first draft, maybe the second, but then you start to feel stuck like:

“I don’t know what this poem needs”

“Is it making sense to my reader?”

“What about the title?”

“Is that the real last line!?”

If this sounds like your internal monologue when working on your poems, it’s time to end your confusion and reinvigorate your revision process. 

Everything is figureoutable and you don’t have to do it alone, poet.

Our transformative 6-week workshop experience will end your frustration and give you the rare opportunity to connect.

Here, we will focus on refining your work and empowering your unique voice.

When you join this cohort, you’ll be grouped with 15 other poets. The journey is designed to invigorate your revision process, offer craft-focused feedback, and open the door to the supportive community you’ve been longing to find. 

write more poetry*

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from the poets in our community and what their experiences were like: 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The Feedback Circle gave me my confidence back." - Rebecca C.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The Feedback Circle gave me my confidence back." - Rebecca C.

“I met some wonderful poets that I hope to keep in touch with.” - Bridget K. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I met some wonderful poets that I hope to keep in touch with.” - Bridget K. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The Feedback Circle broadened my horizons of what workshopping a poem can look like." - Anne Marie W.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The Feedback Circle broadened my horizons of what workshopping a poem can look like." - Anne Marie W.

“The Feedback Circle has been such a great experience! I've grown stronger in my confidence when both providing feedback to others and requesting feedback for my poems. The small groups are a great way to build relationships with other poets, and to build your skills up in a less intimidating setting. I also really enjoyed both the one-on-one session with Danielle and receiving her feedback in the large group sessions! Her knowledge of poetry and intuition is impressive. I gained a lot of really awesome insight and have found new ways to approach editing my own work.”
- Talicha J. 

“It wasn't easy for me to identify as a poet until I joined The Poetry Lab community.”
- Shannon S.

“The Feedback Circle gave me my confidence back. I needed to find a safe poetry community and critique space, and I found it there.”
- Rebecca C.

“Feedback Circle gave me so much more confidence as a poet, and as a reader of poetry! I went in pretty anxious to talk about other people's work. The Guide to Craft-Focused Feedback that Danielle provides was SO helpful, and I got more confident as the weeks went on. I loved hearing other people's thoughts and opinions, especially if they were different than my own. Definitely made me start thinking a little more outside the box. I got some great feedback and validation on my own pieces, as well! And the community is so supportive and kind. Can't wait to join the next cohort!”
- Melissa M. 

“The Feedback Circle has been such an amazing experience. I've loved getting to meet all kinds of poets and learning from their style and technique while sharing my own poems and discovering my own voice. I was a bit intimidated at first because everyone's poetry was so great, I had no idea what I could possibly offer. But the appreciation really fostered a lot of discussion as we got to gush over the tiniest details and brainstorm ways to make the poems *even better.* I'm so grateful for the opportunity to learn so much from everyone.”
- Joanna V.

“The Feedback Circle was awesome. I have stronger poems now, new friends, a better focus. I now know how important prompts are, and hope to prompt myself with similar prompts from lines that strike me to write more and better. Having several points of view, often conflicting about a poem in the Large Group Feedback Session, helped me make my poem stronger.”
- Nupur M. 

“The Feedback Circle was the workshop I needed to push my poetry construction process to a new level. I honed my revision process in the company of published poets and novices alike. I most valued the intimate experience of breaking into a smaller workshop group (of the same 3 people) each session and because of the small group, I'm leaving this workshop with a few friends I hope to continue revising with.”
- Savannah R.

“I had a great experience in the Feedback Circle— it was so helpful to have a space that’s just dedicated to feedback and workshopping, and to get a lot of practice giving that kind of feedback as well. It really helped me figure out directions to go in in editing my work!”
- Anne W.



Read more on the impact Feedback Circle is having on our community members from someone whose first chapbook was accepted for publication after enrolling! 👉

This workshop is appropriate for writers who have at least 5 poems ready for revision. Participants will have opportunities for feedback in small groups, large groups, and one-on-one settings. Much attention will be paid to giving feedback to others compassionately and equitably. Craft-focused feedback will be strongly encouraged, and a review of elements of craft will be made available to facilitate this focus.

Maximum class size: 16 people

important times

All classes are from 5:00pm PT - 7:30pm PT (Pacific Time)
(That’s 8:00pm ET and 7:00pm CT)
Via Zoom.

important dates

Workshop Begins: January 2, 2025
and continues on Thursdays for 6 weeks.

Workshops Dates: January 2, January 9, January 16, January 23, January 30, and February 6

Ready to enroll?

$81.60 every 3 weeks for 9 weeks
$49.00 every week for 5 weeks

Two fully funded scholarships available.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We know that even when it is exhilarating getting feedback can put us in a vulnerable space. We have carefully developed a workshop strategy informed by Felicia Rose Chavez’ The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop.

    We aim to create a deliberate, decolonized approach to critique with all benefits of a traditional poetry workshop without the trauma of competition, negativity, and financial debt.

  • Small groups

    Small break-out groups meet every class. In groups of 3 or 4 participants will take turns giving and receiving feedback on one poem.

    Large group

    The whole group works together in a “traditional” workshop setting. Each class time, 2-3 people will have a chance to receive feedback on one poem from the entire group, including the workshop facilitator.

    Once during the course, there is a:


    Every participant will have the opportunity to schedule a 1:1 editorial session with the Feedback Circle facilitator, Danielle Mitchell. Danielle is an intersectional feminist writer and community organizer with 17 years of workshop experience.

  • Danielle Mitchell (she/her) is an intersectional feminist, poet, and teaching artist. She is the Founding Director of The Poetry Lab and author of Makes the Daughter-in-Law Cry, winner of the Clockwise Chapbook Prize (Tebot Bach, 2017). Danielle is a survivor of sexual assault, chronic illness, and generalized anxiety disorder. As such, both her writing and her work as a mentor are informed by empathy, equity, and radical self-compassion.

    Her poems have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Vinyl, Four Way Review, Transom, New Orleans Review, Nailed Magazine, and many other journals and anthologies. She holds a dual B.A. in Women's and Gender Studies and Creative Writing from the University of Redlands and is an alumna of the Community of Writers. She is currently working on a manuscript of poems about misogyny and the Internet.

    Learn more about her at

  • Online via Zoom! This means you are welcome to come to class not only from anywhere in the world…but from anywhere in your world. Still at work? Chilling at home? On vacation? We love the ease and accessibility of Zooming into workshop sessions. We also use Google Classroom for the distribution and storage of class documents.

  • We cap this space at 16 participants. We do this so everyone in The Feedback Circle has the opportunity for quality workshop time and attention.

    You can expect about 10 minutes of feedback in small groups every week and a 20-minute feedback session in the large group. In addition, everyone gets 30 minutes of 1-on-1 editorial time with the workshop facilitator. We also use Google Docs to store poem drafts and their comments so the feedback doesn’t have to stop when the Zoom ends!

  • These are some of our key takeaways from The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Writing Classroom (Haymarket, 2020). They help us create writer-moderated conversations about poems in the workshop. We humanize each other by setting boundaries and honoring the intentions of the poet under review in the workshop. We do not use vows of silence or other rules that create systems of authority and disenfranchise the writer of the poem.

    “Workshop participants should contextualize their writing process and the writing of others by reading it with an awareness of the author’s body and lived experience.”

    “Workshop participants should suppress their immediate judgment of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as irrelevant, and instead listen to the author’s insights about their artistic process and project goals.”

    “Workshop participants should respond to the author’s questions about their work with specific, grounded, craft-based feedback.”

    “There is no electing out. We address the author by name. We quote the author’s lines back to them. We ask for permission to express our opinions, and accept a response of “no” should the author want to move on. We do this so that our workshop participants decenter themselves as authorities on their peer’s art. This requires more intensive action from our white students. They are not the norm by which we judge competence, clarity, and quality. Instead, they are collaborators in community, helping a fellow author to fulfill their artistic vision, the product of which may or may not be intended for them.”

    Please note that this workshop is not associated with Felicia Rose Chavez. We are working to utilize her tactics with our whole hearts, but do not mean to imply her endorsement by mentioning her name! Also, we do not believe attendance at this workshop replaces reading her book, and STRONGLY encourage you to purchase a copy or borrow one from your local library!

The Feedback Circle’s Private Podcast is your exclusive guide to taking your revision process to the next level. With six fresh episodes each cohort, this members-only podcast dives deep into craft essentials—from choosing the perfect poem for feedback to refining your figurative language, diction, and syntax. It’s all about helping you elevate your work and get the most out of every workshop.

Keep scrolling to preview Episode 1 👇

Enroll now to unlock all the episodes!

are you ready for a New* WAY TO WORKSHOP?

“I am a beginner poet and I SO appreciated this offering. The Feedback Circle is a space to be in community with fellow poets who speak the craft and provide genuinely productive, insightful feedback to implement and move forward in my creative process. Plus, I met some dope people so, a big bonus!”
- Keimahney C.

“I loved the small community atmosphere, the personalized attention, and the workshop feedback I received.”

- Para V.

“I found the feedback from both Danielle and the small/large groups to be really invaluable. And it was really helpful and a learning experience to give feedback to others. I think I made some new friends as well!”
- Sal B.

“I got to read other poets work who are really putting their hearts out there and working on their craft, creating a community where I wanted to show up weekly. I had a lot of poems that had already been looked at, but I got to take a magnifying glass to things that I still felt needed tweaking and hear how my poems landed for different readers from diverse backgrounds.
- Michi C.

“I like that it's based off The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop, that it attracts a diverse group of poets, and that Danielle fosters a welcoming, safe environment. I also appreciate her guidance in providing craft-based feedback--it's important to know how to talk about poems and how to provide specific feedback.”
- Monique S.

“The Feedback Circle was extremely helpful in terms of my personal accountability to my writing practice as well as of my exploration of craft. 10/10 if you're seeking in-depth feedback and supportive poetry community.”
- Shakeema S.