Craft of the Draft: What’s Your Revision Process?

Ready to revise?

It’s time to join The Feedback Circle!


Hey poet!

What does your revision process look like?

In this episode, Danielle reveals how most of her writing happens in revision and shares her essential revision tactics.

It’s never too late to re-approach your writing practice, and revision might just be your missing link.

Take these practical prompts and rethink, reimagine, and refine your work. Tune in and discover how poets become their best poems. 


First, pull out a poem you’ve written that is a first or second draft. Next, interview your poem, performing each of these tasks:

  1. Read the poem aloud to yourself.

  2. Write the answers to these questions in sentences:

    • Where does the poem begin?

    • Where does the poem end?

    • What happens in the middle?

  3. Can you identify the moment of the most energy?

Then choose between these two prompts:

  • Prompt 1: Rewrite the poem with the last line as the first line.

  • Prompt 2: Rewrite the poem with the moment of most energy as the opening lines.


The Feedback Circle

📕 Mary Oliver - A Poetry Handbook
📗 Stephen Dobyns - Next Word, Better Word 

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