Your Guide to Eclipse Season
“That’s where truth lies, in our myths and in our songs. That’s where the seeds are. It’s not possible to constantly hold onto crisis. You have to have the love, you have to have the magic.”
If you’re anything like myself, the pull of the moon is something to behold. While we recently had a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces this past September, I was struck by how curious I became about the role of eclipses in our lives. By definition, an eclipse is an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the source of illumination.
In many ways, eclipses are the embodiment of adjusting your eyes and spirit to the sudden darkness you’ve been plunged into. Occurring roughly four times a year, I have often found eclipses radically turned pivotal moments of my life on their head. I have to dig deep to uncover some buried skeletons, or embrace unexpected situations to gain clarity.
The (h)Art of Freedom
Since March of 2023, the eclipses have fallen in the signs of Aries and Libra, the ram and the scales. As someone with no fire influence, I found the last two years to be an opportunity to create balance by weathering the dark moments while knowing that dawn is on its way.
Justice and organizing work requires not just action, but a special kind of mythmaking, a wild kind of courage. Eclipses, regardless of the signs they sit in, usher us into a new beginning, and sometimes, a sudden ending.
With the north node in Aries, the passionate go-getter, the Warrior archetype, we are being challenged to dive headfirst into what brings us passion, face the things that fear us most head on, what activates community, and how our creative and personal selves can be expressed more freely. We are encouraged to take the stories we’ve told ourselves, and decide if we truly believe this is who we want to be in the world out loud.
Aries reminds us to gather our inner warrior and face our fears head-on, and asks us what we can do now to change for a more radical self and future.
The (h)art of Balance
Details about Libra node
For me, this eclipse season offered the opportunity to bring what I love (astrology and creative writing) to communities I hadn’t even considered. It required me to remember that everything in our lives is interconnected. And if we don’t fight alongside and for others, how can we expect people to fight alongside us when we need it?
Aries is the initiator (after all it’s the first sign of the astrological wheel, and beginning of spring) and represents ambition, assertiveness and courage. In many ways, I have always been in awe of the ways Aries refuses to be deterred from their vision (though sometimes at a cost).
Libra, on the other hand, represents balance and justice—the pursuit of clarity. The combination of these two energies this year has already demonstrated a rise in passion and advocacy for the underdog, and for social justice issues across communities. Additionally, this energy in the south node, is getting us to think about the stories we’ve adopted from others for the sake of keeping the peace, but peace doesn’t always equate to balance.
For the next 12-13 months, we are supported in becoming more curious about the most aligned versions of ourselves and others, and seek opportunities to redesign how we connect and inspire one another.
As artists, activists, and people seeking a more liberated self and community, this is the time to think about the “me” in the “we.” Question everything, line by line, poem by poem, piece by piece.
Using Eclipse Energy
This guide is meant to help you write through this transit and reflect on what limited visions we’ve had about our work, our communities, and ourselves.
Use this free birth chart tool to see which house this Aries-Libra eclipse season will transit and highlight. Grab a pen and your favorite journal, and write your heart out using the prompts below.
Bonus: If you have personal planets in Aries and/or Libra (ex: Mercury in Libra in the 5H), this transit will be moving through your FIFTH house (and will be super amplified) — consider this a sign that things are evolving only for your betterment, and with that, the world’s.
If you have multiple placements in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, this eclipse cycle will have been intensely reshaping our lives, if we’re ready to do the work.
Gemini Risings
House of Self
Write a gratitude poem or affirmation about a characteristic you have and where it stems from.
Cancer Risings
House of Value, Self Worth, Material Possessions
Write a poem or affirmation about your relationship with money OR self-worth.
Leo Risings
House of Communication
Write a poem or affirmation about a personal lesson you’ve learned about yourself.
Virgo Risings
House of Home & Family
Write a poem or affirmation about a gift an elder or teacher gave you.
Libra Risings
House of Pleasure
Write a poem or affirmation about a creative block you’re having.
Scorpio Risings
House of Health and Work
Write a poem or affirmation about being at rest or what a rest day looks like.
Sagittarius Risings
House of Partnership
Write a poem or affirmation about how you show your love and want to be loved.
Capricorn Risings
House of Transformation
Write a poem or affirmation about a personal ritual (physical, emotional, etc.) that you want to return to and its steps.
Aquarius Risings
House of Knowledge, Spirituality/Ethics, and Worldview
Write a poem or affirmation inspired by a favorite artist or thinker.
Pisces Risings
House of Career, Social Status in the World
Write a poem or affirmation about what success feels like to you.
Aries Risings
House of Community
Write a poem or affirmation about a time you struggled between a personal desire and collective goals with a confidante.
Taurus Risings
House of Endings and Hidden Revelations
Write a poem or affirmation about a self-limiting belief you have about your art.
I hope these prompts offer you a little medicine this season.
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This article was published on January 30, 2025. Written by: